King County Council: Use public money for public priorities
As early as Monday, September 17th, the King County Council will vote on a proposal to allocate $165 million additional hotel/motel tax dollars to affordable housing. This proposal is the result of advocacy from many people all around King County but the hard work isn't over yet!
The proposal before Council still allocates significant public resources to subsidize stadium maintenance and improvements, but lacks meaningful oversight or accountability. In addition, as many Councilmembers noted last week, the proposal shortchanges investment of Lodging Tax revenues in small businesses and regional tourism activities.
Urge your councilmember to commit to doing both: ensure at least $165M investment in additional resources for critically needed affordable housing, and support regional tourism by reducing the public subsidy for a private, for-profit major league baseball organization.
Our county's unprecedented need for affordable homes requires us to respond boldly and compassionately. In this moment, let's be confident that there is no need more pressing than ensuring everyone in King County has a safe, healthy, and affordable home.
King County Council: do more than the minimum!
Lodging tax dollars should fund affordable homes, not subsidize stadium maintenance.
King County Council: do more than the minimum!
Lodging tax dollars should fund affordable homes, not subsidize stadium maintenance.
Show up to testify on July 30th.